Now that Warren Tuttle is on his way out of the United Inventors Association (UIA) hopefully his replacement will be interested in protection inventors from predators like Reyland .
It was hard to expect Warren to do anything about Mark when he’s moving onto bigger and better things and probably didn’t want to get into the nightmare of Mark Reyland. So who is going to want to take his place and sort out such a big mess?
Hopefully nobody involved with Reyland! We can all understand Mark wanting to steer the board members into bringing in someone he knows is perfect for the position. In other words, someone who won’t question him. We also hope the board members actually look into this next guy. Anyone with any previous affiliation with Mark should NOT get this position.
This is part time for most if not all the board members but it’s a full time job for Mark Reyland. Call it a make job program because he doesn’t make income any other way. No products in retail and no licensing agreements. He’s even lost the license agreements he had with inventors because he couldn’t bring their products to market. Failure all around and now he’s failing the UIA with his bogus claims against people but continued criminal actions against inventors.
Non profit organizations are expected to have transparency and be open to public questions. He did nothing but attack anyone who questioned his qualifications and his criminal acts against inventors and the general public. Non profit organizations are owned by the general public and we deserve answers. The non profit sector is one of the dirtiest sectors in the USA and growing. It’s time to stop letting conmen hide behind these masks of public trust.
Mark says to pull the masks off people who stalk. We agree and we have with the biggest stalker and harasser of all is the one calling for this, Mark Reyland executive director of the United Inventors association (UIA)!
Reyland has left paper trails and Internet trails miles long for anyone to find if they want to find it.
Understanding the UIA was most likely organized more for a business ring of contacts, resulting in more business and more money for each board member is a given. Hiding behind the claim that they are a non profit looking out for inventors is not so easy to swallow. Not since they didn’t do their home work and hired Mark Reyland. How can they protect inventors when they brought in one of the biggest criminals and frauds in this industry?
As inventors, all we can do is hope the UIA wants to step it up and take responsibility for what they’ve done by bringing in someone who can clean up the mess. I think Warren Tuttle realized quickly that he lost control on Mark when he started posting crazy stuff in public.
The UIA UK wasn’t so stupid...
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