Saturday, 31 December 2011

Mark Reyland’s FlipSide Quilting Rulers ‘MORE OF HIS LIES” !

As you will read below Mark Reyland claims a couple different things that are lies. He claims the inventor’s had a License deal with a Manufacturing company then caught them selling out the back door.  That wasn’t the case at all because the inventor’s had their own manufacturing facility in Ohio so why would they have another company manufacturing their product for them. The company Reyland talks about is a Distribution Services Firm also located in Ohio still in business and there career wasn’t ended like Reyland likes to claim.  

See for yourself below.

For me it’s quilting rulers….I know, I didn’t know they had their own rulers either.
A friend of mine has a patent ( #7032534 ) for a double sided foil print process that has been used for manufacturing these acrylic quilting rulers – he had a license agreement with a manufacturer for the last 4 years – but he caught them selling out the back door. So he took them to court and ended their career in the quilting ruler business.
So he called me one day and asked if I would pick up the manufacturing…..of course after I looked at the sales data and found 2.5 million in sales per year. I said yes.
So now I’m moving the manufacturing to China, and rebranding them, and should have them ready for national reps by February 09 ….or at least that’s the plan anyway….
Ok...Breaks over....Back to inventing

After digging into the Lawsuit Reyland claims put the company out of business we found the case was actually dismissed. Wow is this guy full of $hit or what.
Knittel Engraving Co Inc v. AC Marketech International Ltd
Assigned to: Chief Judge Susan J. Dlott
Cause: 35:271 Patent Infringement
Date Filed: 05/26/2006
Date Terminated: 09/19/2007

 Jury Demand: Plaintiff
Nature of Suit: 830 Patent
Jurisdiction: Federal Question
 Plaintiff Knittel Engraving Co Inc
STIPULATION of Dismissal With Prejudice by Counter Claimant AC Marketech International Ltd, Counter Defendant Knittel Engraving Co Inc, Plaintiff Knittel Engraving Co Inc, Defendants AC Marketech International Ltd, Robert G. Arend, Todd J. Arend. (Schmidt, Carl) (Entered: 11/27/2007)

The link below is the company that DIDN’T get put out of Business.

Inventors Patent and Assignee info below.

The statements below were made by Reyland just over one year ago about the FlipSide Rulers being licensed to a company in California Well that’s another lie also. Mark Reyland and his business partners don’t have any control over the inventor’s product or patent anymore.  

Google the inventors name and give him a call, they will tell you Mark Reyland’s a BIG BLOW HARD LIAR and did nothing for them or their product to get them to retail.

UPDATE: Since I wrote this (several months ago) we have licensed the entire line of FlipSide ( quilting rulers to a manufacturer in California, and 4 additional quilting products I developed for my quilting friends to the largest quilting products manufacturer in the world. The lesson here is that sometimes you have to immerse yourself in the consumer’s world to truly understand what they want.
From the Inventor blog

Wow did the United Inventors Association really screw up by not digging into Mark Reylands background before hiring him as the UIA Executive Director. They hired a Conman