Friday, 4 November 2011

Reyland's Inflated Claims Sinking Fast! PT1

This post is in 2 parts for blog stability...

By doing some standard Google research on Mark Reyland’s 3D Vehicle Wraps that he claims are patented was pretty easy to dig up. You will see below Mark claims his wraps are patented in the USA and Internationally. He also indicates a 3.8 Million dollar license deal in the advertising industry, plus a STUPID statement that The Department of Commerce Innovation Marketplace valued annual sales of this product at over 363 Million dollars a year! True be told, Reyland used a program which relies 100% on user input. In other words, Mark entered inflated numbers and claims which resulted in an inflated market evaluation.

Not even inventor, Roger Brown, is going to be able to save Mark on this one.
Below is a post in a design forum. But wait, doesn’t Mark have designers working for him for his many retail products on many shelves in many countries? Remember, he claims to be doing this for many years. (we think he likes the word " many" because it's easier to keep track of one word than it is the different numbers he makes up as he goes along)

3D Vehicle Wrap Designs 04-98-2007

Hello all,

Im not a designer, and i'm not in the Vehicle Wrap industry - Our shop just patented a process for using 3D appliques on vehicle wraps and I am looking for feedback from the design community about the impact of being able to design real 3D into a 2D graphic.

Do you think this will give more freedom in designs?

Will designers embrace this - or reject it as gimmik?

What do you think about the overall idea?

Thanks in advance for your feedback. You can see some images of the first project to ever use this technique at

Note on 4/8/2007 Mark Reyland indicates his 3D Vehicle Wraps are Patented. As you read deeper into the graphics design forum you will see he changes his tune ,,,it’s now only a Patent Application,
The info below is from another forum he was “whoring” around on with his made up BS. Notice the dates on his post in both forums. Ten days after he made the statement in the graphics design forum he says his vehicle wraps have an International Patent.

Creative 3D posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:08 pm

You're killin me hasn't been done before - I assure you. We were able to get an international patent on this process. 3D on vehicles has been done, sure. But not in this way.
As for the shape....the core of this is vacuum forming. If you can vacuum form the shape you can make it into an applique. You can't vacuum form a razor as an entire piece. But I bet we could come up with a way to make one into an applique just doing it in sections.


Here’s ANOTHER claim in a post on Edison Nation as he ‘competes’ with others.

 Mark Reyland
Help On Sell Sheet PLEASE??? Edison Nation Forum

Still no answer on the You Eva and that Mark guy walking the show floor of the hardware show looking for inventors and people to broker license deals…Now, Eva and Mark have admitted they are charging people for getting them license deals. So my guess is we can assume since the 3 of you are doing business together that you are charging people as well.
Since I give out my information for free – it would also stand to reason that you making money off these people would be harder to do if people like me don’t charge them for what you charge them for….could have something to do with your attacks on me….wow not hard to figure that one out.
So what is the % you are charging for helping these people get a license deal Mike?…what experience are they getting for their money?….and why is it that your little invention submission company doesn’t fall under the Inventor Protection Act?…. or does it? (I’m kidding, I know it does)
Ok I have 7 products on store shelves, I offered to send them to you so you could see how a product looks after it’s developed, I have at least 6 more that will be on shelves by the end of the year. I average 42% profit on my products and I am in the middle of developing a national distribution system that should increase our North American sales by about 75%. I have 5 patents under application. I am the Founder and CEO of 3 companies, and I have a 3.8 Million dollar license deal that will sign next month for an invention I developed in the advertising industry. I mentor several inventors at a time, and all of them are well on their way to seeing their inventions on store shelves. I have degrees in both Intelligence Collection, and Marketing and Advertising.
You’re turn sport…. What do you do?

Is this below contest, where Reyland planned to get his licensing deal from?


Cincinatti,Invention Contest
Entry Deadline July 15 2011
3D Vehicle Wraps!
Designed to get noticed – 3D vehicle wraps are truly 3D appliqués applied to a standard vehicle wrap, driven thousands of miles, and removed without ever knowing they were there!
Invented and tested here in Cincinnati - The Department of Commerce Innovation Marketplace valued annual sales of this product at over 363 Million dollars a year!
Submitted By:Mark Reyland!

Reyland's inflated claims Sinking Fast! PT2

Do your own research on Mark Reyland’s claims. Google Mark Reyland 3D Vehicle Wraps, and 3D Vehicle Wraps to see what you come up with. Also Google Mark Reyland Patents and Mark Reyland Patent Applications. You should only find a patent application tied to Mark Reyland, no actual Patents like he indicates to have for his 365 Million Dollar a year product.The link below is a “free” user friendly Patent search site that can be used to search Patents and Published Applications.
After you create your free account click on “search patents” on the header page, it will bring you directly to the search page. Look for the info below and click on search “US Patent Applications” box. By clicking the US Applications box only will filter out a bunch of junk.

 US Patents
US Patent Applications
EP documents
Abstracts of Japan
Non-patent Literature
After the US Patent App’s box is checked type Mark Reyland in the search box on the web page then click search. The info below should be number one on the search list for Reyland’s Patented 363 Million Dollar Product that he has a 3.8 Million Dollar License deal with some made up company. Remember the info below is only a “Published Patent Application”. Mark T. Reyland is listed as the inventor along with his Investor Patent Attorney Friend Mark F. Smith from Cincinnati Ohio as the contact person for the USPTO. You will also be able to view 33 proposed Patent Claims. Go ahead and read the claims even if you don’t understand them. You can also view the Drawings of the product to get a better understanding of the product.
After opening the info above this is what you should see below.
Structure having a wrap and method of wrapping said structureDocument Type and Number:
United States Patent Application 20080141569
Kind Code:
The present invention is a structure having a new and improved wrap for structures formed from a flexible film that increases the awareness and impact of the wrap. The wrap comprises a background and one or more design elements. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the design element is a three-dimensional design element that extends in a direction outwardly away from the surface of the structure. In another preferred embodiment the design element comprises an electrolminescent light panel
Reyland, Mark T. (West Chester, OH, US)
Application Number:
Publication Date:
Filing Date:
View Patent Images:

Referenced by:View patents that cite this patent
Export Citation:40/544Click for automatic bibliography generation Primary Class:
Other Classes:
40/455, 40/590, 40/596
International Classes:
G09F21/04; G09F13/22; G09F21/00; G09F13/22Attorney, Agent or Firm:
Mark, Smith F. (905 Ohio Pike, Cincinnati, OH, 45245, US)
1. A wrap applied to the surface of a structure, the wrap comprising: a background; and at least one design element; wherein said design element and said background cooperate together to create a harmonized ornamental design.

2. The wrap of claim 1 wherein said design element comprises at least one light panel.

3. A wrap applied to the surface of a structure, the wrap comprising: a background; and at least one design element, said design element having a first surface and a periphery extending around said first surface; wherein said background overlaps and substantially covers said periphery of the first surface.

4. The wrap of claim 3 wherein said design element is comprises a three-dimensional shape wherein said first surface is raised and extends in a direction outwardly from the surface of the structure forming an inner cavity.

5. The wrap of claim 3 wherein said design element comprises an electrolminescent light panel.

6. The wrap of claim 3 wherein said design element comprises an electronic sound-emitting device for playing recorded sounds.

7. A wrap applied to the surface of a structure, the wrap comprising: a background; and a design element, wherein said design element is a three-dimensional design element extending in a direction outwardly from the surface of the structure.

8. The wrap of claim 7 wherein said design element is formed from a thermoplastic material.

9. The wrap of claim 7 wherein said design element includes a backing for providing structural support to the design element.

10. The wrap of claim 7 wherein said design element further comprises an electrolminescent light panel for providing background lighting to said design element.

11. The wrap of claim 7 wherein said design element further comprises an electronic sound-emitting device for playing recorded sounds.

12. The wrap of claim 11 wherein said sound-emitting device comprises an activation device having a motion detector that activates the sound-emitting device when motion of an object is detected within a predetermined proximity or activation zone of the structure.

13. The wrap of claim 11 wherein said sound-emitting device comprises an activation device comprising a timer that activates the sound-emitting device at a fixed or at variable intervals of time.

14. The wrap of claim 7 wherein said design element is attached to the structure such that the background provides a seal along the periphery of the design element.

15. A wrap for applying to the surface of a structure, the wrap comprising: a background and one or more design elements applied along at least a portion of the surface of the structure; wherein at least one design element comprises a raised surface extending in a direction outwardly from the surface forming an inner cavity and having a periphery extending around said raised surface; wherein said wrap further comprises a backing effective for filling said cavity and providing support for said design element.

16. The wrap of claim 15 wherein said backing is a foam backing.

17. The wrap of claim 15 wherein said raised surface is formed from a thermoplastic material.

18. The wrap of claim 15 wherein said design element further comprises an electrolminescent light panel for providing background lighting to said design element.

19. The wrap of claim 15 wherein said design element further comprises an electronic sound-emitting device for playing recorded sounds.

20. The wrap of claim 19 wherein said sound-emitting device comprises an activation device having a motion detector that activates the sound-emitting device when motion of an object is detected within a predetermined proximity or activation zone of the structure.

21. The wrap of claim 19 wherein said sound-emitting device comprises an activation device comprising a timer that activates the sound-emitting device at a fixed or at variable intervals of time.

22. The wrap of claim 15 wherein said design element is attached to the structure such that the background overlaps at least a portion of said periphery extending around said first surface of said design element to form a seal.

23. A wrap applied to the surface of a structure, the wrap comprising: a background; and a design element, wherein said design element comprises an electrolminescent light panel.

24. The wrap of claim 23 wherein said design element further comprises an electronic sound-emitting device for playing recorded sounds.

25. The wrap of claim 24 wherein said sound-emitting device comprises an activation device having a motion detector that activates the sound-emitting device when motion of an object is detected within a predetermined proximity or activation zone of the structure.

26. The wrap of claim 23 wherein specific areas of said light panel can energize or not energize at preselected time intervals.

27. The wrap of claim 23 wherein said light panel having a design thereon that said operation of said light panel gives the design the appearance of movement.

28. The wrap of claim 25 wherein said sound-emitting device comprises an activation device comprising a timer that activates the sound-emitting device at a fixed or at variable intervals of time.

29. The wrap of claim 24 wherein said design element is attached to the structure such that the background overlaps at least a portion of said periphery extending around said first surface of said design element to form a seal.

30. A method of installing a wrap on a structure comprising the steps of: measuring the structure to form a template; preparing a design having an image that is sized to properly fit onto the structure; printing a design on the background forming the wrap attaching the background of the wrap to the surface of the structure; attaching the design elements to the structure and overlapping the background along the periphery of the design elements to form a seal around the periphery of the design elements.

31. The method of claim 30 wherein said design element is a three-dimension design element.

32. The method of claim 31 wherein the three-dimensional design element is formed using a vacuum forming process.

33. The method of claim 30 wherein said design element comprises an electrolminescent light panel.
#Application Number: 11/805,807 Customer Number:-
Filing or 371 (c) Date: 05-24-2007 Status:Abandoned -- Failure to Respond to an Office Action
Application Type: Utility Status Date:09-13-2010
Examiner Name: KIM, SHIN H Location: ELECTRONIC
Group Art Unit: 3611 Location Date:-
Confirmation Number: 3709 Earliest Publication No:US 2008-0141569 A1
Attorney Docket Number: RBD-002PAT Earliest Publication Date:06-19-2008
Class / Subclass: 040/544 Patent Number:-
First Named Inventor: Mark T. Reyland , West Chester, OH (US) Issue Date of Patent:-
Title of Invention:Structure having a wrap and method of wrapping said structure

After digging into the USPTO Public Pair we located the entire Application file tied to the 3d Vehicle Wraps. See the first page below. Notice the Status below “Abandoned Failure To Respond to an Office Action. Mark Reyland and his Patent Attorney couldn’t overcome 29 out of 30 rejected patent claims by the USPTO Examiner. What that means is there’s NO United States Patent on Reyland’s 3D Vehicle Wraps

The next lesson will be on how to get into the USPTO Public Pair to view documents tied to a Patent.
We will also be posting our research on Reyland’s 1.2 Million Dollar FlipSide Quilting rulers also that he claims to own the US Patent Rights to in a License Agreement with an Inventor. If you have time go ahead and Google FlipSide Quilting Rulers to get acquainted with Reyand’s claims to the product .
US20080141569 Structure having a wrap and method of wrapping said structure
The present invention is a structure having a new and improved wrap for structures formed from a flexible film that increases the awareness and impact of the wrap. The wrap comprises a background...


Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Mark Reyland Gives You The Finger ...

Mark Reyland's quote on Edison Nation forum
 As far as industry inventions – I’ve invented several things including 3D Vehicle Wraps ( and several other technologies that I can’t really talk about publicly because they are either in development or involved in deal negotiations.

On the retail products side of things I created and/or developed…..
The Game Paw (Cat style foam finger) Cincinnati Bengals Style, UC and UK
The University of Cincinnati Mascot Basketball Figure
The University of Kentucky Mascot Basketball Figure

 Let’s take a look at Mark’s Game Paw (Cat style foam finger), the University of Cincinnati Mascot Basketball Figure and the University of Kentucky Mascot Basketball Figure.

Mark, if you invented the products how come none of them are on the market “for sale”. I/WE don’t see anything indicating you have a Licensing agreement with the National Football League (NFL), the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) or the Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC). Did he think no one would ever ask that question at some point? Hmmmm I guess Conmen/liars do screw up don’t they.

Read the Licensing Rules below.

Years ago a friend was looking into licensing a product to the NFL (same rules apply to the college, NCAA) 

1st. Your product has to be approved. 
2nd. you sign an agreement to pay them an upfront licensing fee. They are NOT licensing from the product, the product is licensing the team name!
3rd. Once you get over the hefty name licensing fee(over $100,000.00), you now sign another agreement stating you will give them an ongoing royalty. None of this 2% stuff either.
4th. The royalty MUST meet a minimum each year for the duration of the contract. Again, usually in the hundreds of thousands.

If Reyland had this, don't you think he would be tooting his horn all over the place? Chances are more so that he never took the time to learn the process and knew nothing of the procedure and could actually be showing off some illegal (pirated) designs which he could be sued over. If he has the documentation showing he has the rights to produce these pieces, by all means, show them and we'll remove this. We're confident we're right and he has no such documentation.
As I’m trying to figure out if all the other foam fingers on the market are infringing on Mark’s so called “Game Paw”. Or is he infringing on theirs. Im sure he will say he isn’t because his product is a different size and made out of a state of the art foam he formulated/invented……That’s the same quote he made when Tania found out he was added to her Provisional Patent Application by his “former “Patent Attorney/Business Partner Mark Smith. Mark thinks because he decided on the size of Tania’s product and material he has to be listed as a co-inventor. GeeWizz she could of proved her invention concept with a Fruit Roll UP or huge Tootsie Roll and Mark want to claim co-inventor status.. He probably thinks he invented silicone rubber also since the product was made out of it.
We hear he tried being co-inventor because of the packaging? Who cares how the packaging is? She did know the size and even the material used. Mark even denies how the manufacturer makes them. He says there's no glue holding the 2 parts together when there clearly is and the manufacturer states there is. So who doesn't know how it's made, Reyland? 

 Maybe he invented these fingers also…..

 Anyone can google Mark Reyland’s Game Paw (Cat style foam finger), the University of Cincinnati Mascot Basketball Figure and the University of Kentucky Mascot Basketball Figure. See what you come up with in your research. I’m betting it’s all his info he wrote or promoted. Nothing but Lies at the end of the day!

Hey inventor with the disposable bib, listed on Match Product (from Invention Home), be careful! He was after your invention just over a year ago! He searched down the patent, couldn't find it and wanted to develop it as his own!
          Stay tuned for More of Mark Reyland’s lies.
Next up 3D Vehicle Wraps and how they arent patented like Mark says they are

The Ever Changing Claim of Threat

The First claim-

Mark reyland claims to be stalked, along with his family. NOT TRUE and we guess this didn't get the response he was hoping for.
When this happens, what does a conman do? Change the claim!

Second claim-

Mark Reyland and a few inventors are being stalked- NOT TRUE and we guess this also didn't work as well as expected.

What would be the ultimate for a conman to claim now in hopes of rallying the troops?

This third claim-

Now there is no claim of Mark Reyland or his family, only inventors! now inventors are being stalked? NOT TRUE!

When he writes, "As many of you know" he's merely suggesting the information is wide spread, which it is not because he only recently MADE IT UP! It's a classic slimy salesman approach when speaking to people they attempt to influence. It only works on a small % of the population but he likes to think differently.
Conmen change tactics in order to gain what they need or want. They don't care how they get it. They cheat, steal and lie in order to reach their goal.

No inventors are being stalked, and Mark's family was never stalked by anyone as far as we can tell or as far as Mark can show.  Mark doesn't want this to be his lone battle, so he's dragging others in where they really don't belong. Proof shows the opposite and Mark Reyland does not care how far he goes to hurt others. Mark is the stalker and this blog is dedicated to the cause of whistle blowing.

Unless you are an inventor planning to hurt other inventors, along with Reyland, you are perfectly safe from the many scanning the Internet and working to expose Mark Reyland. There is no stalking involved and there is no hurting of his family.

Mark Reyland is either a sloppy conman or he believes his own lies, which probably makes him a Psychopath. Neither one is good. He probably forgets what is still out there seeing as he's had SO many posts deleted in the past by administrators after threatening them with lawsuits. There's still plenty out there Reyland.

Has Reyland said to you-

You are not like the other inventors. You understand the process
You stand out from the rest
Welcome to the big kid pool
How does it feel to step out of the kiddie pool?
How does it feel to play with the big boys?

He says these things to most inventors he speaks with only to make fun of them later. He has even been reported to make fun of some inventors to other inventors.
Although we're sure you have seen this test before Mark, you might want to look at it again. Everyone who knows you can actually check off the boxes. ALL of the boxes!