By doing some standard Google research on Mark Reyland’s 3D Vehicle Wraps that he claims are patented was pretty easy to dig up. You will see below Mark claims his wraps are patented in the USA and Internationally. He also indicates a 3.8 Million dollar license deal in the advertising industry, plus a STUPID statement that The Department of Commerce Innovation Marketplace valued annual sales of this product at over 363 Million dollars a year! True be told, Reyland used a program which relies 100% on user input. In other words, Mark entered inflated numbers and claims which resulted in an inflated market evaluation.
Not even inventor, Roger Brown, is going to be able to save Mark on this one.
Below is a post in a design forum. But wait, doesn’t Mark have designers working for him for his many retail products on many shelves in many countries? Remember, he claims to be doing this for many years. (we think he likes the word " many" because it's easier to keep track of one word than it is the different numbers he makes up as he goes along)
3D Vehicle Wrap Designs 04-98-2007
Hello all,
Im not a designer, and i'm not in the Vehicle Wrap industry - Our shop just patented a process for using 3D appliques on vehicle wraps and I am looking for feedback from the design community about the impact of being able to design real 3D into a 2D graphic.
Do you think this will give more freedom in designs?
Will designers embrace this - or reject it as gimmik?
What do you think about the overall idea?
Thanks in advance for your feedback. You can see some images of the first project to ever use this technique at
Note on 4/8/2007 Mark Reyland indicates his 3D Vehicle Wraps are Patented. As you read deeper into the graphics design forum you will see he changes his tune ,,,it’s now only a Patent Application,
The info below is from another forum he was “whoring” around on with his made up BS. Notice the dates on his post in both forums. Ten days after he made the statement in the graphics design forum he says his vehicle wraps have an International Patent.
Creative 3D posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:08 pm
You're killin me hasn't been done before - I assure you. We were able to get an international patent on this process. 3D on vehicles has been done, sure. But not in this way.
As for the shape....the core of this is vacuum forming. If you can vacuum form the shape you can make it into an applique. You can't vacuum form a razor as an entire piece. But I bet we could come up with a way to make one into an applique just doing it in sections.
Here’s ANOTHER claim in a post on Edison Nation as he ‘competes’ with others.
Mark Reyland
markreylandHelp On Sell Sheet PLEASE??? Edison Nation Forum
Still no answer on the You Eva and that Mark guy walking the show floor of the hardware show looking for inventors and people to broker license deals…Now, Eva and Mark have admitted they are charging people for getting them license deals. So my guess is we can assume since the 3 of you are doing business together that you are charging people as well.
Since I give out my information for free – it would also stand to reason that you making money off these people would be harder to do if people like me don’t charge them for what you charge them for….could have something to do with your attacks on me….wow not hard to figure that one out.
So what is the % you are charging for helping these people get a license deal Mike?…what experience are they getting for their money?….and why is it that your little invention submission company doesn’t fall under the Inventor Protection Act?…. or does it? (I’m kidding, I know it does)
Ok I have 7 products on store shelves, I offered to send them to you so you could see how a product looks after it’s developed, I have at least 6 more that will be on shelves by the end of the year. I average 42% profit on my products and I am in the middle of developing a national distribution system that should increase our North American sales by about 75%. I have 5 patents under application. I am the Founder and CEO of 3 companies, and I have a 3.8 Million dollar license deal that will sign next month for an invention I developed in the advertising industry. I mentor several inventors at a time, and all of them are well on their way to seeing their inventions on store shelves. I have degrees in both Intelligence Collection, and Marketing and Advertising.
You’re turn sport…. What do you do?
Is this below contest, where Reyland planned to get his licensing deal from?
Cincinatti,Invention Contest
Entry Deadline July 15 2011
3D Vehicle Wraps!
Designed to get noticed – 3D vehicle wraps are truly 3D appliqués applied to a standard vehicle wrap, driven thousands of miles, and removed without ever knowing they were there!
Invented and tested here in Cincinnati - The Department of Commerce Innovation Marketplace valued annual sales of this product at over 363 Million dollars a year!
Submitted By:Mark Reyland!